GolfREC - Beta Test 01

GolfREC – Beta Test 1 – Test Script

Rev 1.2/2022-08-30


Thank you for taking part in the GolfREC beta test.


Feel free to use and test the app in any which way you desire – any feedback or criticism will be valuable.


If you wish, you can follow the sequence of instructions under Test Script below. This takes you through the main elements of the app. Start at 1).


Please report anything that appears suboptimal, via the TestFlight App.



Before reporting an issue.


You may check that the issue has not already been reported in the list here. If it is already on the list there is no need to report it again.



Taking Screenshots for inclusion in issues report.


Use the normal screen-shot feature of your iPhone or iPad. This is usually activated by (in portrait mode) pressing the on/off button (top on the right side right of the phone) and one of the volume-control buttons (top, on the left side). The phone confirms with the sound of a camera shutter and stores the screenshot in your Photo Library. Follow the instructions above to include the screen-shot in an issues report.



To report an issue.


Within the TestFlight App tap on the GolfREC icon, then tap on: ‘Send Beta Feedback’. This will first ask you, if you wish to include a screenshot. If so, tap ‘Include’ and select the screenshot to include from the Photo Library. On the subsequent screen enter an explanation of the problem encountered and tap submit.



Frequently Asked Questions.

You may find solutions to suspected issues in the FAQ here.




Test Script


1) Download and installation


Check that the app can be downloaded and successfully installed on your iPhone/iPad. Follow the instructions in the TestFlight invitation email.


The app should be available for download on the following devices:

      iPhones 11-13, SE (>= 2nd generation), XR

      iPad Pro (>= 2nd generation), iPad mini (>= 5th gen), iPad Air (>=3rd gen) & iPad (>= 9th gen)


Please report a problem:

      if you have one of the above devices and the app is not available or does not download/install. Or,

      if you have a device not on the above list, but the app is available for installation.


Obviously, if the app is unavailable or cannot be installed none of the following steps can be completed.



2) Starting the App


Check that the app starts without significant delay when you tap ‘Open’ in TestFlight.


The first time the app is started, it should:

      request permissions for camera, mic and photo library.

      take you through the six onboarding screens


On subsequent starts the app should go directly to the ‘Main Screen’ (the one with the big red recording button).


The first-time-start-up sequence can be rerun by deleting and re-installing the app.



3) Initial check of buttons and screens


Check that all buttons and screens accessible from the ‘Main Screen’ work. I.e. clicking a button yields the expected result / subsequent screen and the screens layout look ok.


      The ‘Play Strike’ button (bottom left corner) should be greyed out as no recording is available initially). All other buttons should be enabled.


      A screen is ok, if no items appear misplaced, too small, too large etc.


      Tapping the ‘?-button’ shows tool-tips explaining what the different buttons do. Tapping again makes the tool-tips go away.



4) Check entering golfer details


Add your name and location (e.g. name of golfclub) to the app and select the golf-club (e.g. 7-iron) you wish to pretend to use in the next step. Follow these steps:


a)    Click on the ‘Golfer Settings’ button (top-middle of the ‘Main Screen’). Enter your name, location and pick a golf-club (all data including recorded videos remain local on the device, nothing is sent anywhere, except you explicitly share or email a video – see later).

b)    Go back to the ‘Main Screen’ (tap ‘done’ – top right corner).

c)    The label of the ‘Golfer Settings’ button should now display the name and location you entered.



5) Record a golf swing


a)     Open the ‘Settings screen’ (button on the top right corner), set ‘Swing types to record’ to ‘Both’ and model sensitivity for both Video and Audio to ‘High’.

b)    Go back to the ‘Main Screen’ (tap ‘done’ – top right corner).

c)     If recording yourself, select the front camera or if recording somebody else select the back camera (tap the ‘Front/back Camera’ button at the bottom right corner on the main screen – the app displays a message saying which camera is selected. Repeated taps toggle between the two cameras).

d)    Start automatic recording. Tap the ‘Strike Recording on/off button’
(big red button). The screen should now show what the selected camera sees.

e)    Place or hold the phone 1-5 – 2 meters from the person to record, pointing either to the front of the person (front-on view) or to the side/back of the person (down-the-line view). Roughly centre the person in the view-finder (the app displays error messages, if it is unhappy with the position of the person).

f)      The person in front of the camera should now hit a ball (if you are on the range) or simulate the movements of a golf swing using arms and body if you are somewhere else (in that case no club and/or ball is required).

g)    Once a strike is performed the app should display a large green tick-mark signifying that a recording was made.


If it does not work, take a look at the FAQ here:


You can only proceed with step 6) if at least one recording has been made.



6) Check play-back


a)    Click on the ‘Last Strike’ button (bottom left corner of the ‘Main Screen’ – looking like two film-frames). This should bring up the ‘Analysis Screen’, showing the first frame of the video clip just recorded.


b)    Try to play the clip (triangular play button). The clip should play with sound.


c)    Try the other play back buttons. Stepping frames back and forth. Select slow motion (the 1/1 button) etc. Check that they all work as expected.


d)    The orange button turns the drawing tools on and off. Try it. Tap again to bring the tools back.


e)    The text icon (bottom right) turns note-taking on and off. This permits you to store potential comments from a golf coach together with the clip). Turn notes on and try to type something. Turn notes back off by clicking the orange icon once more.


f)      Try drawing on the screen by selecting one of the drawing tools and drawing something on the screen.


g)    Try zooming and panning. Select the Zoom/Pan Tool (magnifying glass icon) and try to pinch-out and in on the video (to pinch-out touch the image with both thumb and forefinger and move them in opposite direction). To pan, once zoomed in, touch the image with one finger and drag it across the screen.


h)    Close the ‘Analysis Screen’ (tap ‘done’ – top right corner).



7) Check the Strike Archive


a)    Tap on the ‘Strike Archive’ button (folder—icon bottom left corner of the ‘Main Screen’)

b)    This should bring up a list of recordings, including at least the one you just made.

c)    Click on the magnifying glass icon on the entry you just recorded. This should bring up details of the recorded clip. Check the layout and that all details appear reasonable.

d)    Close the ‘Clip Details’ screen (tap ‘done’ – top right corner).

e)    Tap anywhere on a clip in the list (except for the magnifying class). This brings up the ‘Analysis Screen’. Check that any annotations drawing or text you made previously appears on top of the video. Check again that play-back works.

f)      Close the ‘Analysis Screen’ (tap ‘done’ – top right corner).

g)    Try dragging the list entry for your recording to the right. Three buttons permitting sharing on social media, copying video to the photo library and sending the clip as an attachment to an email should appear. Try using all three (for example posting to yourself on Whatsapp, sending an email with clip to yourself).

h)    Try dragging the list entry left. A delete button should appear. Click it to delete the clip. The list of recordings should now be empty (unless you made more than one recording previously).

i)      Close the ‘Clip Details’ screen (tap ‘done’ – top right corner).



8) Free for all


Thank you very much for having completed the above steps. Please report any detected issues or anything that you think can be improved in the TestFlight App. It is highly appreciated !


Having completed the above steps, you are also invited to try to break the application in any which way you desire (and report any unexpected behaviour).